Made it to Montreal!!!

So, I had to wake up at 3:20 to catch my flight out of Salt Lake this morning…

We finally made it to Montreal! After our check-in attempt and the apologetic rejection from the Hotel clerk, Kathy and I realized that our Taxi driver had dropped us off at the wrong hotel (we may or may not have told him the wrong one in the first place…). But we enjoyed exploring while walking about a mile to our intended destination :) We dropped off our luggage and explored some more…

We met up with Jennifer and her mother for dinner, and enjoyed live hockey at an Irish pub in Canada. Go Habs!

Among other ways, I heard HWN today through the adventure and excitement of a new place! It was so easy to be present as I marveled at the juxtaposition of the historic architecture with the modern culture. I walked by thousands of people who probably walk these same streets for thousands of days without experiencing the awe I did in one day. I know I do the same thing back home though… taking for granted places I’ve grown accustomed to, but all the same I love the variety and flavor that travel adds to life!

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