Hopefully enduring

While listening to conference on the way to work, this stuck out to me, quoted by Elder Rafael E. Pino:

“Though “anchored” in grand and ultimate hope, some of our tactical hopes are another matter. We may hope for a pay raise, a special date, an electoral victory, or for a bigger house—things which may or may not be realized. Faith in Father’s plan gives us endurance even amid the wreckage of such proximate hopes. Hope keeps us “anxiously engaged” in good causes even when these appear to be losing causes (see D&C 58:27).” (Elder Neal A. Maxwell)

This description of hope impressed me — continuing to hope when efforts seem lost or wasted is a tough thing! I heard HWN today through this reminder of where hope is most needed!

p.s. Had a great time attending Eric Thayne’s grand opening of Celadora Studios in Provo this evening!


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